05 September 2011

Calculate the Renewable Energy

TreeHugger turns us on to a new online tool for measuring the potential impact of your home on renewable energy numbers:  The National Renewable Energy Laboratory (NREL) has created an online tool called In My Backyard (IMBY, obviously based on the NIMBY acronym). The goal is to "estimates how much electricity you can produce through solar and wind power in your own backyard." It's based on Google Maps, and while it's relatively sophisticated compared to other such tools, it is very easy to use if all you want is a rough estimate of how much wind or solar power you can expect to be able to generate.


calculator simulation solar wind

The Countries on the Cutting Edge.............

The Countries on the Cutting Edge of Renewable Energy

Which Renewable Energies ...........

Which Renewable Energies Do We Use Most and At What Cost?


What Renewable Energy Sources ..........

What Renewable Energy Sources Is The World Using?

The Countries on the Cutting Edge.............

The Countries on the Cutting Edge of Renewable Energy

America's Energy, Where ..........

America's Energy, Where It's From and How It's Used